
Welcome to Nancy Drew Is My Homegirl!
Here's just some of what you can expect to find around these here parts.

*EvilEva's Trailer Park:
in which Evil Eva shares the latest trailers for movies and TV shows that started out as books (or ones that she just really wants to watch.)  

*How to Fangirl:
in which Evil Eva teaches you the proper ways to fangirl it out over various things in life.

*MasterPiece Of Shit Theater:
in which Evil Eva watches crappy TV shows and movies that started out as books and shares her findings for the whole world to read.

*Super Nostalgic Book Flashback Reviews:
in which present-day Evil Eva dumps all over the soul of 12 year old Evil Eva by making fun of her most treasured books and favorite characters in super snarky book reviews.

*Supernatural Shakedown:
in which Evil Eva recaps the awesomeness that is the TV show Supernatural.

*The Big Ass Read:
in which Evil Eva reads and reviews a whole series of books.

*The Mini Ass Read:
in which Evil Eva reads and reviews all three books in a trilogy back to back.